Mission Statement of Saint Simeon Stylites Melkite Catholic Church

In that God Himself came into the world as a man, Jesus Christ, for our salvation, we at Saint Simeon Stylites Melkite Catholic Church welcome everyone to join us as we strive to grow in our faith, through the traditional and original Byzantine tradition.

We are called by God our Creator to worship and follow Him and to proclaim to the world His message of love, peace, and salvation. We believe in Him, and strive to know Him and abide in Him, so that by grace we might receive an eternal life of salvation from Him. We actively participate in the sacramental and prayer life so that we may become Christ-like persons by His grace.

Saint Simeon Stylites Melkite Catholic Church is a Greek Catholic church and overall is part of the Catholic Church, which calls for the unity of the Church. As part of the Eastern rite, we are dogmatically continuous with the one Church founded by Christ through his apostles, following the ancient traditions and wisdom of the Church.

Saint Simeon Stylites Melkite Catholic Church is a non-profit religious community under the leadership of the Eparchy of Saint Sauveur (Canada) and the Diocese of London, and strives to solidify and fortify the following goals as part of our mission to:

  1. maintain, practice, and proclaim the Christian faith, enhancing the spiritual growth of its communicants;
  2. develop and operate programs, activities, and services for the parishioners which serve and further the religious educational, cultural, philanthropic, and social ministries of the community as well as to protect and continuously develop the physical buildings and religious property as deemed necessary;
  3. dedicate the promotion of Christian fellowship and values between the evolving diversity of cultures and its people.